Upper Limb Compression Therapy: Selection, measurement & fitting
This CPD certified training module will provide you with an overview of the use of compression garments for upper limb management including practical tips for measuring, ordering and fitting of garments.
Community & Practice nurses
Allied Health Professional (occupational therapists, Physiotherapists)
Junior doctors, general practitioners, trainees and clinicians with an interest in managing chronic oedema /early stage lymphoedema.
Gain understanding and skills in how to complete a full holistic assessment of the patient with arm and truncal lymphoedema
Increase awareness of indications & contraindications for using compression garments.
Explain the rationale for the choice of fabric and compression in garment selection.
Demonstrate the correct measuring for “made to order” off the shelf and made-to-measure compression garments
Demonstrate ability to apply measuring guidelines to practice and to order the correct garment(s)
Promote safe practice in the use of compression therapy .